Empowering And Protecting At Risk Children Nationwide

Join our efforts to give our children the head-start in life, they weren't born with. We provide meals, school supplies, financial literacy programs, educational programs and college scholarships to hundreds of children a month all over the US.

a group of children running in a school hallway
a group of children running in a school hallway


help us! we need you! any amount will go so far.

Our Programs

We offer a variety of programs to support children in need, including financial literacy scholarships, college scholarships, and training classes in safe environments. Join our efforts to make a difference in the lives of at-risk children.

There are many ways to get involved with Yacht Club Children's Charity, from making a donation, to volunteering your time. Help us empower at-risk children across the country.

Get Involved

About Yacht Club Children's Charity Mission

We are a non-profit organization committed to improving the lives of at risk children across the country and globe. Our focus is on providing scholarships, classes, meals, and school supplies, as well as recognizing humanitarian efforts through our annual Support Our Children Humanitarian Awards, monthly produced events and brand collaborations .

The average American child is more likely to have a pet in home than a father***1 and most at-risk kids have less meals when school is out in the summer and school can't provide subsidized breakfast & lunch***2. As protectors and providers, we have a duty to take care of our children, Toi Hardy's dream is at least 1 day a week for a couple hours help at risk children have a meal and have volunteers assist them in fun and learning activities to give them a secure environment and a perspective to help them go in a better direction, inspired by our positive time together. We will take volunteers and donations and have events over seen by a security team built up of former police, military, etc. We hope to bridge so many gaps in our community. This will be an after-school program and summer program: for children to use theaters, tech centers, pools, take classes and get meals around positive, safe members of our communities. Parents will be able to watch child on streaming devices & shuttle them back to pick up spot. We will raise donations to send children home with food. Donations will be tax deductible.

***1 Rates of food insecurity and food insuciency* among children are higher in the summer — at a time when students do not have access to the school nutrition programs available during the academic year.1,2,3,4,5 Students who receive a free or reduced-price school lunch during the school year are especially at risk in the summer: research shows these students are more likely to experience increases in food insecurity and food insuciency in summer months when compared to their eligible, nonparticipating peers.6,7 A considerable body of evidence demonstrates that food insecurity is associated with harmful consequences for health, well-being, and learning in the short and long terms, including lower health status,8,9 poor dietary quality,10 behavioral and social-emotional problems,11,12,13 mental health problems (e.g., depression, anxiety)

***2 Family break-ups mean that in the United States children are more likely to live with a pet than their natural father, says the research. According to US data, about two thirds of children live with their father, while about four in five of families with school-age children have a pet


Previous events and celebrity endorSEMENTs




Our annual Support Our Children Humanitarian Awards recognizes individuals who have made a difference in the lives of children. Join us in celebrating those who are committed to making a positive impact.

Meet Founder & CEO

Toi Hardy

Toi Hardy's mission is to foster positive change by offering opportunities and support to women and children on a global scale.

Thank Our Affiliates


Make sure your child becomes financially literate and prepared for their future personal and professional lives. Engage them with real-world financial experience with our personal budgeting game or stock market game, or both! As the student progresses through the game, they compete for rankings, earn badges, and ultimately receive certifications.


A benefits Corporation designing high quality wearable tech products that support underrepresented kids awareness to S.T.E.M. careers.

The Women's Network

The Women's Network is a leading organization dedicated to uplifting and empowering women and children nationally and globally.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand
person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

Thank our other brands affilates.

HAI Marketing Production Agency - Charlie Lapson Collection - Gary J Alter, MD - Glow Hydration - Blush Creative - Blue Mist CBD - Pascal Mouawad

Empowering Children for a Better Tomorrow


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